Use "go off the rails|go off the rail" in a sentence

1. Go off the air!

2. It'II go off.

3. Did the flash go off?

4. The firecracker didn't go off.

5. The flash didn't go off.

6. Bomb not go off.

7. Did the alarm clock go off ?

8. If the bomb doesn't go off.

9. How did the concert go off?

10. He heard the alarm go off.

11. No, the alarm will go off!

12. Bucks go off by themselves.

13. Off go the wings, breast and skin.

14. Where did the masseur go off to?

15. Don't go off half-cocked.

16. I started to go off the idea.

17. 17 Did the alarm clock go off ?

18. This town's going off the rails.

19. Then, I'll go off to practice.

20. Winifred, go on off to bed.

21. My alarm-clock didn't go off.

22. You'll go right off to sleep.

23. I'll hold them off, go to the airport

24. The bomb could go off at any instant.

25. What time do you go off duty?

26. I'll go off to Hayri Abi then.

27. Cut off your fingers, or go back!

28. I can't just go buy something off the rack.

29. Many women go off coffee during pregnancy.

30. I can't just go running off into the blue.

31. Now go and wash the blood off your face.

32. 20 Finish the work off before you go home.

33. Go back to ripping off Mob dealers?

34. You can't go around pissing people off.

35. 10 Doctor ardently says: " Go off with. "

36. The fete will go ahead provided the rain keeps off.

37. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning.

38. I go in, I grab the scrotum, tip comes off.

39. 4 I wouldn't go projecting off into the woods alone.

40. They are Creamed-off and go to the fee-paying …

41. The makers of idols will all go off in disgrace.

42. You get it started, just go, take off.

43. Go and wash that filth off your hands.

44. Take off your shoes and go to bed!

45. John decided to go off on his own.

46. Do not go doze off in the middle of the meeting.

47. The bad news caused Jim to go off the deep end.

48. She slipped off the coronet, and let the airship go dead.

49. We've all gone off the rails down here, Javi.

50. Let's go to the park and walk off all that lunch.

51. In what sense do the wicked “go off to eternal punishment”?

52. If they'd been caught, we'd have heard the alarm go off.

53. The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.

54. I've set the alarm clock to go off at 7 am.

55. They go to wave their boys off on the troop trains.

56. Go to the theatre with me and laugh off your worries.

57. In its basic sense, a·phiʹe·mi denotes “let go off.”

58. Oh, I really thought the airbags were going to go off.

59. Hopefully the motion detectors'll go so crazy security'll shut them off.

60. What did you go off and leave me for?

61. 12 Go and wash that filth off your hands.

62. You can't just go home and scrub it off.

63. You're all adrenalized, you'll go off like a rocket.

64. They don't go there often, just off and on.

65. 8 Don't forget to switch off before you go.

66. He fired but his pistol failed to go off.

67. 20 Off you go to create your own masterpiece!

68. I'll go and sponge this juice off my dress.

69. One simply chooses the bearing, chooses the altitude, and off you go.

70. They planned the bomb to go off in the Nation Pure offices.

71. The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.

72. You better think it over and don't go off the deep end.

73. The best players go off to the big clubs, leaving us the dross.

74. And when the fields go off,[] the missiles harmlessly to the ground.

75. After that students go off to vocational and on-the-job training.

76. The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.

77. When you face a difficult question, don't go off the deep end.

78. The alarm should go off automatically as soon as smoke is detected.

79. We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper.

80. I will not go meekly off to freeze and die.